

ÆßÃõ¼º½ Positioning Solutions Training

We want you to make sure you feel prepared and ready to use your advanced equipment. To maximize your investment, we offer comprehensive training programs to make sure you can leverage your TOPCON products. 

Our training programs is designed by industry experts. Whether you are a seasonal professional or it is your first time in a machine, our instructors will guide you through real practical scenarios to build your confidence on the jobsite. 

Our TOPCON training covers everything from basic operation, product setup, and advanced data processing and analytics. 

New Training Classes


Positioning Classes

Level 1 GPS Training

This class is an introductory class intended for new users, machine operators, or as a refresher course for existing users. We will cover overall GPS concepts, jobsite set ups, 3DMC software intro, as well as best practices for both the rover unit and GPS machines. Locations for this class include GR, Lan, NH, Sag, TC

Level 2 GPS Training

This is an advanced GPS training course. Here we cover all the advanced features inside of Pocket 3D. Some of this includes creating your own jobs, surface comparisons and volume calculations. This class is more hands on, and it is recommended you complete Level 1 GPS beforehand. Locations for this class include GR, Lan, NH, Sag, TC

LPS Training

This is robotic total station training class. We cover the full jobsite workflow from unit setup to machine application and best practices for LPS, benefits over GPS, machine capabilities and troubleshooting issues. Locations for this class include Grand Rapids and New Hudson.

Magnet Training

This course covers the full Magnet Field Software. It is designed to help better understand a robotic instrument as well as how to properly layout a job. Field is the software for people doing any form of building prep because of its ability to layout for anchor bolts, footings, seawalls and much more. Basically, if you are doing any housing development/neighborhood work this course would be the one to take. We will also cover the other Magnet software and how they all can seamlessly work together. This training will be held at our Grand Rapids and New Hudson location.

Certification Training

This course will be offered right before the start of the construction season. Here we will utilize Level 1 and 2 GPS knowledge. It will be a combination/application of all real-world practices but with more emphasis on feedback. There will be multiple hands-on activities that will test a GPS users’ knowledge. This class is intended for individuals who will be utilizing Pocket 3D often as well as potentially becoming the main GPS contact within their own company. Since this is a Certification Training Level 1 and 2 training are required for pre-requisites. This training will be held at our Lansing location.

Individual participating in positioning training

Positioning Training

Or email [email protected]
Questions? Call: 586-651-6792

Include following information in email:

  • Company you are with
  • Date you wish to attend
  • Names of people attending

Store Hours

Monday - Friday: 7am - 6pm
Saturday: 8am - 12pm
Sunday: On call

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